Ryan Stream


Amy Schwartz

Anitra Jay

Ashley Cobb

Ben Frank

Ben Miller, Stand Up Science

Bill Miller

Brett Wiscons

Crescent Circus

Cody Clark

Darian Hernandez

Dave Long

Glen Tickle

Gracie Yates

Gustavo Moradel’

Johnny Rockett

Juan-Carlos Piñeiro

Kilara Sen

Luke LeBlanc

Malissa Sanon

N8, the Adventuring Magician!


Troy Peters, The Mind Meddler

Paula Cortez

The Last Stand
Every Mountain I Climb

Bill Miller
For years, Bill Miller’s music has moved audiences around the world. He’s an icon of the Native American music community, having won 3 Grammys in the last 4 years. Bill is an accomplished artist whose paintings are exhibited nationwide. Yet, in the view of singer, composer, flutist, painter and storyteller Bill Birdsong Miller, he's just getting started. Beyond music, Bill is an accomplished painter whose work has appeared in The National Museum of the American Indian (Smithsonian Institution), the Barbara Able Gallery in Santa Fe, the Trickster Gallery in Chicago, and the American Indian Community House Gallery in New York. He is also an in-demand keynote speaker and lecturer, speaking at universities, race relations conferences and cultural awareness programs nationwide.

Printable Promotional Brochure
"Making a Difference through Education"
Press Photo 2
Press Photo 1
Promotional Poster
Grammy Poster
Art, Education, Music Poster

Artist Solo Rider

Official Website

  • Ideas for presenting Bill Miller on your campus
In the midst of his abundant artistic life, Bill is also a sought–after guest speaker at corporate, collegiate, and community venues nationwide. His presentation may be customized to each engagement and are built around the following core topics:
  • “Understanding Health and Wellness in Native Communities”

Bill is available to talk, sing or share his experiences that might help Medical school student better understand Native Culture, practices, alternative medicine traditions or other potential topics that may help our future Healthcare providers become more culturally competent in serving the wide array of Native cultures.  His medical targeted presentation often involves a combination of music, sharing his story and discussing/sharing some thoughts on how health care providers can be more effective in gaining the trust of Native people, recognizing that cultural difference in views and medicinal practices do not necessarily have to hinder patient centered care.

  • Reconciliation and Diversity Symposium: “The Red Road to Victory”
Bill opens in song with a hand drum or native flute. After a brief review of his Mohican tribal history and an intimate look into his native culture, he shares three personal stories. His journey from victim to victory is charted and he illustrates the wisdom of “the twelve feathers of healing” to model his vision of transformation through reconciliation. Bill illustrates the relationship between majority and minority cultures, the ineffectual result of teaching tolerance and assimilation, and instead promotes a redemptive culture of understanding and peace.

  • Art Lecture: “Three Elements In Native American Art”
A formally trained artist and seasoned painter, Bill shares his historical and cultural overview of Native America, while demonstrating on canvas the use of three traditional elements—function, beauty and spirit. He completes the lecture with a discussion period and always offers the painting to the students for completion.

  • Music Workshop: “Songs Of The Spirit”
With an authentic perspective, Bill encourages students to acknowledge their heritage and core vision. A seasoned musician, performer and road warrior, he uses his experience in touring, recording and songwriting to inform and inspire those with a desire to contribute through their musical gifts. Included is an overview of the history of Native American music, both traditional and contemporary, plus a discussion and demonstration of the native flute and drum. He focuses on one of three areas of expertise: songwriting, publishing and recording; touring, management and booking; and media, marketing and promotion.

Bill’s residency was incredible: faculty, students, and community members were so impressed with the range of his musicianship, and also the kind and thoughtful way that he interacted with our constituents. He made each person feel valued. I offer my sincere thanks to Bill, on behalf of our musicology program here at FSU.  -  Sarah Eyerly, Associate Professor of Musicology and Coordinator of Musicology, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL

“Bill was amazing. One of the best events I’ve ever attended at UR. Smart, poignant, moving, powerful. I was even inspired to come out from under my social media rock and post on Facebook about it. He’s a total pro. My students were riveted. I received a number of emails in which my students expressed their thanks for the opportunity to hear Bill speak and play. And they rarely, if ever, reach out to me to share this kind of feedback about campus visitors. Bill is awesome!” – Dr. Doug Winiarski, Professor of Religious Studies and American Studies, University of Richmond, Richmond, VA

Bill did a great job with the kids! They loved working on the painting and were delighted with the results. They gained a lot from his experiences and advice on life. He was on time, he was a pleasure to work with, and students enjoyed the experience. --Lynne DiMuzio, Visual Arts Instructor, Batesville Middle School, Batesville, IN

Great show! We “sold out”  the venue.  Bill voice was as good as ever. He shared stories about his personal life and the struggles he has gone through, and  they intertwined with each song he performed.  Of course, out of it came his message for hope and reconciliation for all peoples.  He truly moved people by his performance, especially those that saw him perform for the first time- they were touched by his music and the power of his words.  He stayed after the show till he got to greet and talk to the very last person in attendance has gone home.  I received so many compliments about the performance. Know he is always welcome to come back to Leadville.  – Skip Lee, Dean of Student Affairs, Colorado Mountain College Leadville, CO

Bill was absolutely fantastic! Our students were very moved by his talk. Bill was very educational, dependable, and respectable! We were very pleased that he was able to join us at Coastal Carolina University! - Jamie Piperato, Assistant Director, Multicultural Student Services, Coastal Carolina University, SC 

The response to Bill’s performance was incredibly positive.  I was very impressed with Bill’s willingness to meet with Lawrence University’s Native American Organization before his performance for dinner.  Bill also met with me early in the day to have lunch.  We talked and had a great time.  His performance in the evening was outstanding.  We had well into the 300s for attendance and for Lawrence, that is a phenomenal turnout, especially on a Tuesday night.  Bill played well past his contracted time and entertained questions and conversation at his merchandise stand after the performance.  Bill reached out with a follow up call the next morning to say that he had a very positive experience and really enjoyed his time at Lawrence University.  I’m glad that both the performer and the attendees fully enjoyed the event.  Thank you for all of your help, House. - Khrystal Condon, Program Coordinator Multicultural Affairs, Lawrence University – Appleton, WI

Bill Miller was outstanding! Bill’s life story and experiences were powerful and relevant for healthcare professionals to hear. Our Des Moines University campus very much enjoyed his presentation which was titled: Understanding Health and Wellness in Native Communities. His performance and sharing of his beautiful native flute music and song (Halleluiah) at the end of his presentation had many students, faculty and staff in tears.  Bill reminded our entire campus that as future doctors/Physical Therapist and Healthcare providers, we too must take care of ourselves to be able to heal others.  Based on our evaluations, the three top important points most of our students took away from Bill’s presentation were Observation, Interpretation and Application- Overall, Bill Birdsong Miller’s talk/presentation was amazingly powerful!  Thank you for working with us to host Bill at Des Moines University! Feel free to use any of my comments for any endorsement or publicity/reference for Bill- not that he needs it. - Dr. Rich Salas, Director of Multicultural Affairs, Des Moines University – Des Moines, IA

 Bill did an excellent job at both events.The children and parents loved his program, it was both educational and fun. I have to say the evening performancewas unbelievable. The rich sound and artistry of his music lifted us high as we shared in the celebration and passion of his music. Bill has such a beautiful spirit itradiates to those he is around. I had the pleasure to do a duet with him that night on stage it was great fun. I highly recommend to my colleagues.  -  George Jackson, Coordinator of Diversity Affairs, Fort Hays State University - Hays, KS

Bill Miller’s visit went very well. I attended both of Bill’s programs and thought they were excellent. The Oral Traditions class an English course, focused on a variety of cultures and genres. Bill’s interaction with the students was very educational. I have talked with several students and faculty who were also very impressed. One faculty member said Bill’s concert was the best she’s seen at the college in her 49 years of teaching here. We even had some discussion with Bill at the end of his visit regarding the possibility of his coming to campus again next year, perhaps for a gallery exhibit featuring his paintings. I’m happy to have gotten to know Bill a bit. - James Bishop, Assistant Professor of English, Young Harris College, Young Harris, GA

 The faculty and students at the University of Tennessee at Martin were honored to have Bill Miller as a speaker at the 10th Annual National Civil Rights Conference. Our attendance was around 450-500. His words teach the struggles that Native Americans have faced since Columbus landed. His passion for his people and for all of humanity defines the character of a follower of the Red Road. His music is awe inspiring, yet his words of wisdom about the equality of all humans helps heal the wounds of inequality that have been ever present in the United States. Bill speaks not only as a Native American Indian but as a person who cares about all. His unique experiences in life teach people to honor all of humanity on all our relations. If you have not heard Bill Miller speak, you are missing one of the greatest of this era, and he is sensational. African American students came to hear him the second time because his words are inspirational and uplifting. "Come experience the magic, the Bill Miller Experience." This last phrase was printed on posters because once you have heard him live, you have truly experienced magic. We hope to have him here for the 11th Civil Rights Conference. Thanks for bringing him to UTM. - Brent A. Cox, Department of History, Philosophy and International Studies, University of Tennessee at Martin, Martin TN 

I hadn't previously heard of Bill Miller. He came to our rural community college to speak and to perform, and as I listened and watched, I was absolutely blown away that this man, whose talent could command huge venues and admission fees, chose our remote location. He made us feel? like he was talking to his best friends, and as the video states, he really shares himself and his experiences. Seeing him in person is amazing. A student, from Montcalm Community College, Sidney, MI

Everything went very well. Each time Bill visits I feel it opens up another opportunity for him to relate his musical experiences and artistic vision to the students and each time it is unique. This time we covered a lot about the songwriting and record production process and the students were enthralled. Again, thanks for all your help in making this happen and look forward to working together soon... - Andrew Krikun, Music Professor - Bergen Community College, Paramus, NJ

Bill was wonderful! He captured the attention of all of the students, some of whom were just stopping in for lunch. His willingness to share his experiences as well as his music resonated with our audience. Many of them stood in line to speak with him after the performance. The students are asking to have him back at LLCC next year. I am planning on looking into that. Bill has a genuine way of connecting with people and I want to continue bringing his message to our students. We had an attendance of 175 with a balanced representation of the community, students and college staff. Some community members even drove over 2 hours to hear Bill's performance. The audience gave him a standing ovation! I have not seen that happen on campus for the programs offered through the Multicultural Awareness Center or the Student Life Office. - Blanca Bernasek, Director of Multicultural Affairs, Lincoln Land Community College - Springfield, IL

I am sure Bill has told you the Kiva was literally packed! He gave a wonderful concert, people were mesmerized by his stories, and many stayed afterwards to have snacks and visit with him. We would like to arrange a return visit in December as an Artist-in-Residence at the Koshare Museum and also sponsor another concert and, this time, an Outreach. Our Outreaches involve bussing students (probably middle school and high school) onto the campus for a performance in the afternoon. - Sallie Hibbs, Coordinator of Multicultural Activities, Otero Junior College – La Junta, CO

The concert was great and the students in our conversation next day said that they found it really inspiring. We had the large Lecture Hall full that night despite of the snow and cold weather. I had a dozen calls on the day of the concert from the city, people outside college campus who we interested. And later I heard from people who heard it was wonderful and they were wondering if they could go to La Junta to see it next day. Please, give our respects to Mr Miller. The students and International Services are very grateful. - Tatyana Stock, Coordinator of International Programs and Services, Lamar Community College – Lamar, CO

Everyone loved Bill! The comments from those who attended are attached, as well as a group photo taken with some of the Delta College students. I know this was a little different from what Bill is use to, but we had standing room only and the performance was very intimate! Thanks for making a difference in our community. - Linda Holoman, Student & Educational Services, Delta College – University Center, MI

Thank you very much Bill, for your moving performance. I know the students here at FAU were greatly appreciative for your time spent here. Your words and sincerity has moved alot of people and we are greatful for the opportunity to have shared that with you.- Tariq Smith, Office of Multicultural Affairs & Pre-College Programs, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL

It went very well! I heard several people mention that they really liked the more intimate setting because it allowed them to connect with Bill, ask questions, etc. in a way that a larger audience would've made difficult. Overall, NAUC is very pleased! I hope Bill enjoyed his stay here! Thank you for all your help and let me know if you need anything else from me! - Kristen Cooperkline, Event Organizer/Treasurer of the NAUC , Bowling Green State University - Bowling Green, OH

OMG, Bill's performance was phenomenal!! I was so afraid that no one would come out because it was terribly cold in Fulton last night. But even so, we had over 250 students in attendance, and that number doesn't include all those from the community who came out to hear him...one couple even drove over 2 hours, from St. Louis, just to hear him. Many bought his CDs and stayed behind to talk with him and to take pictures. It was a fantastic evening, and I think Bill enjoyed himself as well.- Tamara Carter, Coordinator of Multicultural Affairs, William Woods University - Fulton, MO 

Hi Bill! Okay so you came to my school (Coastal Carolina University) and I just wanted to let you know that I had originally just gone to your presentation because I was suppose to for one of my classes. I wasn't very excited about it. Yet you were AMAZING and definitely surprised me and I wanted to let you know that you are a fantastic speaker and an amazing musician. You definitely made a great impression on me and my fellow classmates. Just today I spoke to a couple other people that attended last night and no one could stop talking about you and how awesome the music was and your presentation want spellbinding. You surprised us in a great way and got us thinking about EVERYTHING that you spoke about. I just thought you might like to know how great we all thought you were and how you affected each of us on a personal level. Have a great day and keep on amazing people! 
Kat Jackson, History Student, Coastal Carolina University, Conway, GA

The concert was great. He is performing with style, passion, and virtuosity. The audience enjoyed him and I received great and enthusiastic comments. I am so glad he came here. Thank you for all your help. It was lovely to work with you.  - Petritsa Chatzitziva, Asst. Director Multicultura Services, Kutztown University, Kutztown, PA

It was a pleasure to have Bill at my school!! The three assemblies went very well. The kids clapped along to the beat of the songs, singing, swaying, and just really getting into the music. Bill's songs were introduced by 5 of my homeroom kids and he even asked them to sing along with him during "Geronimo's Cadillac" Bill ended the show with a sing-a-long of "This Land Is Your Land". The local TV station covered one of the assemblies, as well as interviewing him . It appeared on the 5 o'clock news channel 13 (local ). The Pocono Record, the local newspaper, had a feature story of him the day of the concert. THey also took pictures during the assemblies and they appeared in the paper the next day.   The community concert at night went well. There were slightly over 100 people in attendance. Many parents and kids came to me afterwards to thank me for bringing Bill to our community. Thanks so much for all your help. Hopefully, we can bring him back again in a few years.  - Marta Storm, Instuctor, Stroudsburg Middle School, Stroudsburg, PA 

The ratings from students were excellent and the faculty/staff who attended also thought it was a fantastic performance. Great stuff. My cell phone didn’t ring once and that means that technically and administratively there were no glitches whatsoever. Hopefully Bill enjoyed working with our students and that the accommodations we had for him were suitable. I have actually received an inquiry from a professor to do a workshop in a class! Thanks again for your recommendations, they have been very good.- Len Harmon, Cultural Institute, Nichols College, Dudley, MA

Everything went just as planned. All of the events went extremely well and people responded to Bill in a very positive way. I wasn’t surprised, having heard him before, but I was impressed by his ability to capture an audience and hold their desire to travel more deeply into his personal sociological, psychological, and emotional experience as a Native American man. His message to high school students was especially well-received. In the history of this particular alternative high school program where he spoke to approximately 100 students, Bill got the only standing ovation that was ever offered to a long list of speakers. Quite impressive. He’s on our “to do” list for people who we’d like to bring back to campus in a few years. - Sam Richards, Director of Race Relations - Penn State University - University Park, PA

Bill was very well recieved. his talk at noon was very moving ---an audience of about 75 or so...........and then he kicked ass in the barn theatre's audience of 100+ enthusiastic fans from as far as Toledo, northern Indiana, and upper Michigan. Bill really likes Sidney and MCC, and we love him here. - Ken DeLong, Native American Club Advisor, Montcalm Community College - Sidney, MI

I, for one, will never forget Bill. You were right, he is a wonderful human being. His lecture went over well. We had a variety of students, faculty, staff from campus and over 100 teachers and students from Stone Child College and Hayes/Lodge Pole School. Probably a total of 250 at the lecture. The concert was wonderful. About 200 people. A professor who attends most of our programming approached me after the show and told me it was the best concert he had ever attended in his life. Bill's stories and music touched his heart and he would never forget the experience. I was fortunate to be able to take Bill back to Great Falls to catch his flight home. We had a couple of hours time to visit and he is a truly humble man who knows exactly why he is here on this earth. Not all of us can say that. He can truly make a difference and has with his people. He told me, as we parted at the airport,(with a huge hug and a kiss) that he would make every effort to come back to Havre as it was one of his very special places. I believe Stone Child College talked to him while he was here about attending their Pow Wow and teaching some art workshops in the classrooms. Thank you so much for encouraging us to bring Bill here. - Denise Brewer, Director of Student Activities, Montana State University Northern – Havre, MT

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